Picture of the week 02.12.07
The Three Faces of Suzanne
I started a sketch with a seasonal feel, entitled Cold as Hell, but I didn't finish it because I kept coming back
to this nude. I'm not showing you the entire composition, because like I said before, I want to save something for
the final effect. Here's the progress I made during the week. If you stare at the first picture for a moment,
then rapidly shift your gaze to the second and third panels, you'll see how many changes have been made to it:
It's harder than it looks, folks.
I'll show you the finished product next week. And maybe I'll finish Cold as Hell and post that, too -- I've checked the
Weather Channel web site and, alas, it looks like that'll still be an appropriate picture.
Previously on Picture of the Week:
02.05.07: Progress, of a Sort
01.22.07: What I Painted
01.15.07: Art Lesson
01.08.07: Mountcastle Drive
01.01.07: Resolution
12.24.06: Christmas Eve
12.18.06: Wintering
12.11.06: By Way of Apology
12.04.06: Rodney Hits the Floor
11.27.06: Gondola Car and Busy Ball
11.20.06: Sketch for The Remains
11.13.06: Work in Progress: Lawn Deer
11.06.06: Two Studies for VW