Picture of the week 04.16.07

This, from the guy who was putting down Motherwell two weeks ago:

Pareidolia Oil, 24" x 16"

You can tell from the gestural quality of the brushstrokes that it's an important work.

It started out as something else altogether -- an attempt to do a representational piece that looked
like an abstract until you got to studying it -- but after I finished this first pass, I completely forgot my
original idea because I...well, I began to see things in it. Which explains why I chose the title.

I'm trying to decide whether to refine what's here, or leave it in this crude state. While you're waiting,
you can kill some time by looking around and seeing how many disturbing faces you can find in there.

Pleasant dreams.

Previously on Picture of the Week:

04.02.07: Regression Redux
03.19.07: Regression

03.12.07: She's Ready

02.26.07: Cold as Hell
02.12.07: The Three Faces of Suzanne

02.05.07: Progress, of a Sort
01.22.07: What I Painted
01.15.07: Art Lesson

01.08.07: Mountcastle Drive
01.01.07: Resolution
12.24.06: Christmas Eve
12.18.06: Wintering
12.11.06: By Way of Apology
12.04.06: Rodney Hits the Floor
11.27.06: Gondola Car and Busy Ball
11.20.06: Sketch for The Remains
11.13.06: Work in Progress: Lawn Deer

11.06.06: Two Studies for VW

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